Wednesday, April 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

And Canada does not have a steel manufacturing capacity?

MILSPEC [military specifications] have been rigidly followed as well?

"Canadian government doesn’t scale back on Chinese steel in new navy patrol ships"

Article by David Pugliese  •  Ottawa Citizen  Apr 04, 2023  • 

"Steel for Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships [AOPS] was bought from European suppliers, with about 17 per cent of that being purchased from China."

"Canada has yet to determine how much Chinese steel and equipment will go into its new naval warships, but it didn’t scale back on such products for its Arctic and offshore patrol vessels even though concerns were raised in 2018."

I guess the question that need to be asked here is:

* Was this Chinese manufactured steel subjected to stringent quality-control checks as would be specified in contract agreed upon criteria of the Canadian navy? I am assuming too that steel as used for warships active in Arctic waters must conform to the highest possible degree of MILSPEC conformity.

See my previous blog entry controversy that steel as use in American submarines. Testing and quality control certification according to contract "agreed upon criteria" in dispute.

Think too the famed economist Adam Smith the great advocate of free trade in all cases with two exceptions. One that a nation must be self-sufficient in capacity to produce armaments for self-defense. [don't ask me what the second exception is I just don't know]


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