Monday, April 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

"The ammunition of the fixed type, and to a large extent interchangeable with that of other 100 mm rifled tank and field guns. Anti Aircraft ammunition includes high explosive, high explosive fragmentation and fragmentation types. The two kinds of armor piecing rounds were the AP-T (Armor Piercing-Tracer) and APC-T (Armor Piercing Capped-Tracer) with the AP-T round reportedly able to penetrate 185 mm of armor at 1000 m[eters]."

"The Armed Forces Of Ukraine Began To Use Outdated Anti-Aircraft Guns On The Battlefield"

From "The Eastern Herald"  ^ | 4/2/23 | Staff. The tip from Freeper.

"Ukrainian units began to widely use on the line of contact outdated KS-19 100 mm AAA anti-aircraft guns, developed in 1947 and intended to fight air targets. In all likelihood, the Ukrainian army has serious problems not only with ammunition for Western-style artillery systems, but also with firearms. Nothing more than this can explain the use of outdated anti-aircraft guns. In addition, as noted by military experts, entire artillery batteries from KS-19 guns are being formed in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They plan to use them exclusively to destroy ground targets, since there are simply no air targets..."

My instantaneous thought was this was like the German employing the famous 88 mm anti-aircraft artillery piece as a direct fire anti-tank cannon during WW2. Rapid fire, flat trajectory, sufficient caliber to destroy any adversary tank and do so with relative ease! KS-19 CAN be used in the direct and indirect modes of fire. I am sure it will be used as both. The Ukrainian can mass if need be to create a STOP-LINE in case of Russian armor breakthrough.


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