Monday, April 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

See previous blog entries as relevant here and here.

Stinger and Javelin when expended gone with the wind literally. And not so easily replaced.

"US weapons stockpile 13 years behind in Stinger missile production amid Ukraine war"

From | KYLE KLEEMAN | MARCH 27, 2023.

"As the U.S. continues providing Ukraine with billions of dollars in weapons and other aid, concerns have been raised about how best to manage and improve the United States’ domestic stockpile of weapons, which is rapidly dwindling amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict."

"According to the New York Times, it would take the United States 13 years to replace all the Stinger missiles sent to Ukraine at the current production rate."

Increased production from current "rate" perhaps difficult to impossible? Micro-electronic semi-conductors used in the warhead seeker of the Stinger as originally designed no longer available. Engineering of the seeker circuitry using more modern electronic components first a must!

Think also anti-tank guided-missiles [ATGM] of the Javelin, MLAW variety as been absolutely essential to successful Ukrainian defense against Russian armor:

"Raytheon, the company that makes Javelin missile systems, has even come out and said it would take at least five years at last year’s same production rate to fully replenish the number of missiles sent to the Ukrainian battlefield over the previous ten month"

None of this replacement of stockpile going to be done EASILY or CHEAPLY!


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