Tuesday, April 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

North Koreans to join the fight in the Ukraine? North Koreans?

"50,000 North Koreans To Join Russia In Invading Ukraine; Kremlin Offers Food For Weapons"

From www.ibtimes.com  By Danielle Ong | 03/30/23 original story REUTERS.


* "The North Koreans may join Russia's special ops unit deployed in the war in Ukraine"

* "N. Korea's military assistance would likely have to be approved by China, says a Russian journalist"

* "It is unclear when the North Korean troops would be deployed to Ukraine"

* "Tens of thousands of North Koreans are now preparing to join the Russian army and help the country in its invasion of Ukraine, a Russian journalist claimed."

* "At least 50,000 North Koreans will join Russia's special ops [special operations] ranks in Ukraine as part of an alliance formed between Pyongyang and Moscow, Alexander Sladkov, a seasoned Russian journalist specializing in military affairs, said in his YouTube video."

Further from nuke.fas.org:

"North Korea is one of the world leaders [better stated as perhaps the world leader] in fielding Special Operations Forces (SOF). It is estimated that this force totals or exceeds 121,500 soldiers . . . They are charged with five basic missions: conducting reconnaissance, performing combat operations in conjunction with conventional operations, establishing a second front in South Korea’s rear areas, countering ROK/US special operations forces in north Korea’s rear area, and maintaining internal security."

North Korean head-knocker cut-throat killer fanatic elite special operations troops the Ukraine Conflict? Some might find this hard to imagine or even plausible but be assured the Red Army had entire ethnic Korean units on active military service and combat duty during WW2. No less personage that Kim Il Sung himself is said to have seen action as a captain in the Red Army at Stalingrad.

See my previous blog entry a cinematic version of ethnic Koreans at Stalingrad.


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