Tuesday, April 4, 2023


This is coolbert:

BEWARE CIA/MI6/BND/MİT the false defector.

"Putin protection officer DEFECTS and labels the Kremlin despot a 'war criminal' so paranoid about his own safety he stays 'in his bunker' and is 'mortally afraid' of Covid"

From MAILONLINE ^ | 4 April 2023 | By WILL STEWART the tip from Freeper.

"He revealed Putin is 'mortally afraid' of Covid and is isolating for fourth year"

"A protection officer who worked directly for Vladimir Putin has defected from Russia, labelling the Kremlin despot a 'war criminal' for his invasion of Ukraine."

"Gleb Karakulov, 35, is a captain in the Federal Guard Service, known as the FGS or FSO, who escaped Russia to the safety via Istanbul."

No mobile phone, no Internet, total isolation? Putin no longer willing to travel by airplane? See a previous Daily Mail article the Presidential armored train as used by Vlad. Vlad paranoid in the extreme? An irrational paranoid with his finger on the nuclear trigger?

But again, beware the false defector!


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