Monday, February 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

Poland stands tall! Yeoman duty the Ukraine Conflict! Removal landmines and other unexploded ordnance the black earth steppe land the Eurasian land mass accomplished!

"'yeoman's duty' means not hard work, necessarily, but a duty or assignment faithfully executed . . . reliability is implicit."

"Polish police return from secret mission in Ukraine demining former Russian-occupied territory"

Thanks to | Notes From Poland | FEB 23, 2023 | SOCIETY.

"A group of nearly 100 Polish police officers has returned from an operation – kept secret until now – to demine areas in Ukraine won back from Russian occupation. The team was welcomed home by President Andrzej Duda at the presidential palace, where he awarded them medals for bravery."

"Working in the Kyiv region, the Polish group cleared more than 342,000 square meters of land [eighty-four acres] and over 17.5 kilometers [about ten miles] of roads. They were forced to seek shelter during Russian air raids 129 times during the mission, with none of the team injured."

"The Polish officers safely removed around 2,000 dangerous objects, including mines, grenades and grenade launchers"

Grand strategy as understood planning for the aftermath of the war a must for the Ukrainian even as fighting continues. See previous blog entry as applicable:


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