Monday, February 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

Seems the Russian has been watching too much Hollywood world-is-coming-to-an-end disaster movies.

As reported by the U.S. version of the English tabloid "The Sun".

"BLOW UP Putin’s allies bizarrely threaten to nuke Yellowstone Super-volcano with Satan-2 missile to ‘cause radioactive eruption’"

Story by Tariq Tahir Feb 23 2023.

"VLADIMIR Putin’s allies have bizarrely threatened to use the Satan-2 nuclear missile to attack the Yellowstone super-volcano."

"The attack - that could cause a radioactive eruption - was openly talked about on state-run TV and came as the Russian tyrant ordered testing of the 16,000 mph missile."

"Putin is said to have warned Joe Biden of the test launch of the missile - officially known as the RS-28 Sarmat - in advance, while the US president was in Ukraine."

"Speaking on a nightly panel discussion about the war hosted by Kremlin mouthpiece Vladimir Solovyov, one military expert talked about how the missiles could be used."

The Soviet/Russian even during the Cold War threatening to use grandiose weaponry in a grandiose manner to achieve grandiose results. 

Mr. Russian please be aware that a cataclysmic eruption of the Yellowstone volcano devastation as a result hardly to be confined to the USA. Cloud of dust consisting of ash and radioactive particles to last for an entire generation or two, obliteration of entire societies guaranteed. Russia included.


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