Sunday, January 1, 2023


This is coolbert:

Dystopia and Armageddon all rolled into one! Atomic war the aftermath!

"MIND OF THE MACHINE Chilling AI predicts what nuclear war would look like with attacks on London, Moscow and Washington"

From the article by Henry Holloway | Dec 31 2022.

Thanks to the tip from Miguel.

"ARTIFICIAL intelligence has offered a horrifying vision of what the world faces in nuclear armageddon and World War 3."

Artificial intelligence [AI] art it seems all the rage in some quarters! Don't ask me the details, it just seems to work!

See this particular article the topic AI art. Images not a human creation a computer generated production.

"Responding to prompts such as 'nuclear bomb', 'war' and 'apocalypse' - the AI tool produced a series of truly grim pictures which could offer a glimpse into the future."

Go see all the images "The Sun Article". When the air raid sirens sound just don't look up!


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