Sunday, January 1, 2023


This is coolbert:


From the story by David Axe Forbes Staff | Dec 30, 2022.

"Ukraine Could Get American M-2 Fighting Vehicles. They’re Exactly What The Ukrainian Army Needs To Stay On The Offensive."

"The administration of U.S. president Joe Biden is considering donating to Ukraine some of the U.S. Army’s redundant M-2 infantry fighting vehicles, Bloomberg reported."


"The three-person M-2 boasts a 25-millimeter chain gun, a launcher for TOW anti-tank missiles, laminate armor that can deflect heavy machine-gun fire and a troop compartment that can fit six infantry."

"Now 40 years old, the M-2 isn’t the world’s best IFV, but it arguably is superior to even the newest BMP IFVs in the Russian and Ukrainian arsenals. Mark Hertling, a retired U.S. Army general, sang the M-2’s praises. 'Chain gun, TOWs, speed, easier maintenance, smaller crew, better mileage, available vehicles ... ' Hertling tweeted."

"Perhaps more importantly, the U.S. Army has thousands of older M-2s in storage. Even a few hundred of them significantly would improve the Ukrainian army’s offensive combat power."


* Even if there are thousands of the Bradley fighting vehicles in the US inventory just sitting around idle it will take quite a period of time for them to get the vehicles to the Ukraine, have Ukraine troops checked out in those vehicles, being able to do the operator maintenance and being able to employ in combat. I would suspect that even in rushed situation the entire process would take about six months minimum.

* It may be the Ukrainian forces do I already have a lot of experience with mechanized infantry warfare. If you can drive a Volkswagen you can drive a Mercedes I guess that is the intention

* You are also going to require a large quantity of spare parts and have trained people able to maintain vehicles. Repairing them at the depot level a must not just merely doing maintenance at the unit level in the field

* Normally the Bradley does not road march to combat. Is carried by transporters to the scene of the action. Ukrainian military will need transporters provided too?

* I would have to assume that the comments of General Hertling sincere. He has used the Bradley in Iraq and commanded units in the field fighting with the Bradley and has a fairly high opinion of the vehicle. It should not be considered that a BMP  latest model is not so very inferior to the Bradley. rather it is probably a good match. BMP-3 does he have a 30 mm cannon compared to 25 mm cannon of the Bradley


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