Friday, January 13, 2023


This is coolbert:

"The introduction of lapta into the school curriculum will make it possible to use it as an effective means of strengthening the health of children and adolescents at school, preparing students to pass the norms of the GTO standards and preparing young men for service in the Russian Armed Forces." - Sergey Fokin.

Bat and ball game in the ancient and venerable Russian style a school-yard game as a means to promote physical fitness among the Russian young people.

Part and parcel of a physical regimen intended to create a cohort of   physically fit young men as being able to perform military service in a much more adequate manner if called upon. 

"Russia introduces lessons of lapta in schools, believing it will prepare schoolchildren for army"

From that original story | Ukrainska Pravda | January 13, 2023.

"The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed an educational course on playing lapta [Russian 14th-century bat and ball game – ed.] for school children. The department believes that the game will help prepare young men for military service."

"Source: website of the Russian Ministry of Education, Sirena,"

"Details: Students from classes 1 through 11 will learn to play the Russian folk game. This will take place in physical education lessons and as part of extracurricular activities."

"The department believes that lapta will improve the preparation of all schoolchildren for the passing of the GTO standards [Ready for Labour and Defence, a physical culture training program introduced in the USSR – ed.] and individual young men for military service."

See here a You Tube demonstration the game of lapta.

See also this YouTube video a demonstration of Finnish baseball. Yet another bat and ball game, an adaptation of American baseball and considered to be an excellent means of achieving fitness in young people.

President Vlad of Russia for a long time now has been very concerned with the Russian demographic problem. The Russian people not reproducing themselves in adequate numbers not even at replacement level. Physical fitness and overall health of the Russian young person also questionable. Not enough young men able to perform military service in a more than adequate manner.

Where is the Russian going to find adequate numbers of young men and perhaps even young women to perform military service in the future? It always was the case during the time of the Russian Empire the Russian army had at their disposal multitudes of muzhik [peasants]. A manpower base of prodigious size, an abundance of troops used in a profligate manner which was deemed by potential adversaries the RUSSIAN STEAMROLLER! 

The steamroller in the modern context lacking steam?


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