Saturday, January 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

If indeed this be true such a change in policy is going to create a lot of anger / hate / resentment where none is really needed! Beware the wrath of the usually compliant Russian citizenry?

Previous policy of granting family men a deferment from mobilization / conscription the Ukraine conflict now going to be rescinded! Family men having to support three minors  previously having been given deferment that policy now to be cancelled and revoked!

1. "Russia cancels deferments of conscription for fathers with large families"

From Ukrainian Truth | Ukrainska Pravda | January 13, 2023.

"Nina Ostanina, Member of the State Duma [the lower chamber of the Russian parliament – ed.] and the Head of the Committee for Family, Women and Children, has stated that Russia will stop granting deferments from conscription to fathers of three minors."

"Source: Latvia-based Russian news outlet Meduza; Ostanina on Telegram."

"Details: Ostanina has said that Irina Kirkora, a member of the Human Rights Council, has notified her of the cancellation of these grounds for deferral. Kirkora referred to a certain document sent to military enlistment offices in December, as well as a source in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia."

Also this:

2. "Senior Russia Lawmaker Denies End to Mobilization Deferment For Fathers"

Updated: 10 hours ago | 13 january7 2023.

"A senior Russian lawmaker on Friday denied that the Russian military had canceled the right to mobilization deferment for fathers of three or more children amid ongoing speculation that Moscow could launch a second round of mobilization for the war in Ukraine."

So is it yes or is it no? Deferments going tp be rescinded or extended I guess that is the question at this moment

That original mobilization / conscription 300,000 men thrown into the breach! Now President Vlad of Russia talking about another 500,000 men being conscripted / mobilized for the Ukraine Conflict! President Vlad desperate for manpower in a way not anticipated!


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