Thursday, December 22, 2022


This is coolbert:

Change, change, everywhere a change!

 Even the U.S. military academy West Point!

"And there it is… West Point announces woke, jargon-filled plot to rename every single thing that 'memorializes' or 'commemorates' our history…"

Thanks to www./revolver./news.

Much of these name changes and designations quite clearly center upon the personage of Robert E. Lee:

* "We will remove the portrait of Robert E. Lee in Confederate uniform from Jefferson Hall (the USMA Library) and place it in storage at the West Point Museum."

* "We will remove the stone bust of Lee at Reconciliation Plaza and place it in storage on post, while moving the accompanying bust of Grant to the front of Grant Hall."

* "We will also remove the bronze triptych at the main entrance of Bartlett Hall and place in storage on post until a more suitable location is determined."

* "Over the next several weeks, in collaboration with the Class of 1957, West Point’s Memorialization, History, and Museum (MHM) Committee will select an appropriate quote about honor to replace the quote from Robert E. Lee at Honor Plaza."

* "Additionally, in collaboration with the Class of 1961, we will review the stone markers within Reconciliation Plaza that the Commission determined to commemorate the Confederacy and modify those markers with appropriate language and images that comply with the Commission’s recommendations"

* "Lastly, by the end of this year, the MHM will recommend names to replace the streets, buildings, and areas throughout West Point currently named for individuals who served in the Confederacy,"

Please also read carefully the comments of President Eisenhower as to the character and personality of Robert E. Lee. Lee being held in great esteem by Ike.


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