Thursday, December 22, 2022


This is coolbert.

"'Relatively speaking, we have sent almost nothing and there is no discernible plan to send more,' says retired general Andrew Leslie"

"John Ivison: Canada has the capacity to do more to arm Ukraine, so why hasn't it?"

From the National Post | John Ivison | Dec 20, 2022  • 

"OTTAWA — There will be many prayers offered up this Christmas that the guns fall silent across Ukraine in the New Year."

"But let’s hope that any peace is prompted by Russia’s realization that it cannot win, rather than because the Ukrainians have run out of ammunition."

"The latter is a very real prospect. As retired Australian Major Gen. Mick Ryan wrote last week in an influential Twitter thread: 'In 2023, the Ukrainian army may run out of munitions before it runs out of fight. Based on current usage of ammunition in the war, production of munitions is increasingly lagging battlefield needs.'”

"Ukraine is firing 5,000 155mm artillery rounds a day. Its main supplier, the U.S., has donated one million rounds to date but, despite plans to triple production, still only produces around 14,000 rounds a month."

USA 155 mm artillery round monthly production not even equal three days normal expenditure by the Ukrainian armed forces! 

I would strongly suspect that unless the Canadian totally deplete their existing war munitions as stockpiled for NATO mission there is little of anything else the Canadians can do to assist the Ukrainian. Period!


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