Sunday, November 13, 2022


This is coolbert:

From a of Big Serge we have an interesting take on the now successfully completed Russian retrograde movement from Kherson. Retrograde = movement to the rear.

"Surovikin’s Difficult Choice"

"Russia Abandons Kherson"

As extracted some key paragraphs:


"I [Serge] would like to parse through this issue. First off, one cannot deny that the withdrawal is politically a significant humiliation for Russia. The question becomes, however, whether this sacrifice was necessary on military or political grounds, and what it may signify about the future course of the conflict."


"While holding the bridgehead in Kherson, the Dnieper River becomes a negative force multiplier - increasing the sustainment and logistics burden and ever threatening to leave forces cut off if Ukraine succeeds in destroying the bridges or bursting the dam. Projecting force across the river becomes a heavy burden with no obvious benefit. But by withdrawing to the east bank, the river becomes a positive force multiplier by serving as a defensive barrier.

YES indeed. Russian forces defending Kherson at a distinct disadvantage if the bridge [main supply link] blown or damaged. Resupply by ferry or barge insufficient. Evacuate Kherson and defend on the left bank of the Dneiper a prudent measure.

Devoted readers to the blog are strongly encouraged to read the entire Big Serge substack article.

Big Serge his analysis more or less totally correct. I agree with 100 %.


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