Saturday, November 12, 2022


This is coolbert:

Herewith a pair of You Tube video the subject the Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drone now in action the Ukraine Conflict.

Everything you always wanted to know however with a slight degree of confusion.

Prudent measures but not necessarily what I would describe as "genius".

"Oct 22, 2022. Russia is alleged to have upgraded the Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drone guidance system, increasing its lethality and accuracy against targets. Revealed that Russian drones manufactured in Iran have an inertial guidance system replaced by the control unit GLONASS, Russia's satellite navigation system"

2. "Kamikaze Drone upgrade from Shahed 136 | How it works #geran2 #drones #kamikazedrone"

"Oct 28, 2022. Russian Kamikaze drone upgraded from Shaheed 136"

"There are slight differences and upgrades between the two."

"The Iranian Shaheed 136 uses an Inertial Navigation System [INS], which cannot be jammed by Radio Frequency Interference."


"Once released it is difficult to track or command. The Russians upgraded these drones with GLONASS, a Russian alternative to GPS."


* No comparison between the Iranian Shahed drones and the Turkish Bayraktar analog. The former a fire-and-forget weapon not controllable on a one-way mission. Gone forever when launched. The later a general purpose drone, controlled, returns to base when mission complete, can be configured for a variety of missions.

* Original versions Shahed according to what I read having BOTH the INS and American GPS system for guidance. Russians have replaced the GPS with their GLONASS receiver, retaining the Iranian INS.

* Shahed also equipped with an anti-radiation seeker? Can detect and attack radar installations as does the American Shrike?

* Think of the Shahed as rather more a cruise missile than a drone. Fire-and-forget weapon the cost of a single Shahed one-twentieth [1/20] that of a Russian Kalibr conventional cruise missile!

* Many of those video show a mock-up of the Israeli Dimona nuclear reactor/facility under attack from a concentrated swarm of Shahed drones. 

* The Shahed can now be dropped from Russian Tu-22M3 medium-range bombers or carried and launched from a Sukhoi-37 fighter-bomber. Range of the Shahed greatly increased in the process.

* As to possible Ukrainian counter-measures The anti-aircraft gun [AAG] rapid-fire cannon preferred over all over weapons.


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