Friday, November 4, 2022


This is coolbert:

Yet one more counter to the Iranian drone threat the Ukraine Conflict on the way?

Number of Iranian drones as supplied to the Russian numbers and types hardly confined to the Shahed-136?

"US turns blind eye to Iran’s drone exports to Russia"

"Biden administration betting the costly and unproven NASAMS air defense system will suffice as a counter in Ukraine"

From the article By STEPHEN BRYEN NOVEMBER 3, 2022.

"Beyond rushing deliveries of very costly and unproven air defense systems to Ukraine, Washington is doing next to nothing about Iran’s delivery of 3,500 drones to Russia for the war."

"Russia has already fired off around 400 Iranian-made drones, mostly aimed at critical infrastructure targets in Ukraine including power plants, water pumping stations and dams. Combined with Russian cruise missiles, the drones and missiles have caused considerable damage."

"Deliveries to Iran include the Shahed-129 (a Predator drone knock-off), the Mohajer-6 (built especially for the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and carrying two missiles) and loitering munition drones Arash-2 (allegedly designed to hit Tel Aviv and Haifa), Shahed-136 and Shahed-131."

Read the details of the NAASAMS surface to air missile.

Note too that the USA has only PURCHASED two NAASAMS for EVENTUAL delivery to Ukraine with a potentiality of six more systems in the future.

"The United States government announced the purchase of two NAASAMS systems for Ukraine in July 2022, 'to defend against cruise missiles and aircraft.' This procurement would take several months to finalize and require extensive training for Ukrainian users."

The degree to which the Russian using Iranian drones to bombard critical Ukrainian infrastructure is vast indeed. I have to that number of drones hardly the NAASAMS going to be able to counter in a significant way. Ukrainians are more or less on their own!!


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