Thursday, November 3, 2022


This is coolbert:

"We have clear guarantees from Ukraine that there will be no more attacks like that, which would, among other things, involve infrastructure and corridors related to grain exports," 

Ukrainian combat action the Black Sea to be curtailed in the aftermath of the recent USV attack?

ONLY if such attacks refrain from action against grain export infrastructure?

It does seem that the Ukrainian USV attack was indeed a case of little flea having big bite!

Courtesy the Russian controlled [?] media outlet TASS.

"Ukraine vows no more attacks in Black Sea — Russian diplomat"

"Earlier, it was reported that Russia was returning to the grain deal after having received guarantees from Kiev that it would not use the grain corridor to carry out military activities against Moscow"

"MOSCOW, November 2. /TASS/. Kiev provided Moscow with explicit guarantees that there will be no more attacks involving grain export infrastructure in the Black Sea, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko told reporters on Wednesday."

Flow of Ukrainian grain to the international markets via the Black Sea will continue and this can be only seen as a good sign.


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