Friday, November 4, 2022


This is coolbert:

Herewith historical instances of the uncrewed surface vessel as a weapon-of-war.

Think from antiquity the use of fireships as an aspect of naval combat rather quite common.

"A fire ship or fireship, used in the days of wooden rowed or sailing ships, was a ship filled with combustibles, or gunpowder deliberately set on fire and steered (or, when possible, allowed to drift) into an enemy fleet, in order to destroy ships, or to create panic and make the enemy break formation"

USV the Ukraine Conflict following an ancient and venerable tradition.

See these historical occurrences and examples:

1. "Fireships at Basque Roads"

2. "The Hell-Burners of Calais"


4. "Fireships: How Greece’s Daring Sailors Destroyed the Turkish Fleet"

5. "Not Just the Spanish Armada – Some Uses of Fire Ships in the Ancient World"

6. "Montcalm launches fireboats"

7. "Back when fireships and hellburners terrorized fleets"

As I have stated many times, in warfare, sometimes the old ways are the best ways! An end to the days of sail and wooden warships did not mean an end to the use of uncrewed surface vessels!


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