Saturday, November 5, 2022


This is coolbert:

It is not that I don't believe this is so. It is more than I don't want to believe this is so.

Blood products as sent from NATO stockpiles to Ukraine CONTAMINATED.

Have a cup of red?

From November 4, 2022.

"Ukraine asked NATO for 62,000 liters of blood for wounded: 6.3% infected with AIDS"

"The counter-offensives in Ukraine that have been attempted since midsummer are likely to result in significantly more losses than is officially admitted in Kyiv: The Ukrainian Ministry of Health requested no less than 62,000 liters of blood for necessary operations on the seriously wounded, as can now be seen from several letters that are also available to eXXpress – A hacker group is said to have fished these reports out of the ministry, but the authenticity of these documents cannot yet be verified by a neutral party."

"In one of these letters, however, a rather dramatic situation is addressed: many of the blood supplies delivered to Ukraine from NATO stocks are said to be contaminated with pathogens."

"The report by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health states that 6.3% – ie 3,906 blood units – were contaminated with the AIDS virus. In addition, hepatitis B viruses would still be found in 7.4% of the blood bags and hepatitis C viruses in 3.2%."

Ukrainian soldiers receiving a blood transfusion as a result of battlefield injury in danger from NATO stockpiled blood? NATO deficient in their own testing of donated blood. Surely testing is done and blood as stockpiled does NOT have an infinite shelf-life I might assume.

Jet injector guns as used to administer inoculations to American service personnel during the Cold War era with much hindsight found to be a "pathway" for pathogens to enter the human body in a manner not perceived. A device [jet injector gun] thought to be a wonderment [no need anymore for sterile needles to be disposed of, rather turned out to be a long-term disaster. 

Source for this report from a hacker group? That does raise suspicions as to the validity of the allegations.


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