Sunday, October 30, 2022


This is coolbert

“'My first childhood memory was my father’s funeral. I still remember the red coffin and the red square of glass on top. I remember the GAZ-53 that carried the coffin and the military who carried it.'”

"Son of Kursk submarine sailor killed in Ukraine war"

"25-year-old Danis Ishmuratov was the son of Fanis Ishmuratov, one of the 118 sailors killed when the "Kursk" submarine exploded in the Barents Sea in August 2000."

From the story by Thomas Nilsen October 29, 2022.

Danis Ishmuratov having now perished the Ukraine Conflict. 

"He died in the war in Ukraine, the press service of the administration of his hometown in the Baismaksky district of Bashkortostan told Kommersant."

"Like thousands of other Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, the circumstances of his death are not disclosed."

"The 25-year-old man was in Ukraine as a contract soldier."

Volunteers the Russian army referred to as "contractors". Danis did his duty as he saw fit and his choice. Regrettably his life cut short. 


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