Sunday, October 30, 2022


This is coolbert:

“We have moved the remains of His Serene Highness Prince Potemkin from St. Catherine’s Church and the monument itself to the left [east] bank,” - RIA Novosti.

Strange but true? You must understand within the historical context and the current Ukraine Conflict.

The earthly remains of Prince Potemkin exhumed and removed from Kherson to a more secure location.

Prince Potemkin as commander and instrumental in the Crimea becoming a part of Imperial Russian during the rule of Catherine the Great.

"Russia removes bones of 18th-century commander revered by Putin from occupied Ukrainian city [Kherson]"

By Anna Chernova and Rob Picheta, CNN October 28, 2022.

"Pro-Russian officials say they have removed the bones of famed 18th century Russian commander Grigory Potemkin from the [Russian] occupied Ukrainian city of Kherson."

"Potemkin’s bones were taken from St. Catherine’s Cathedral and moved across the Dnipro River and further into Russian-held territory, along with a statue of the military leader, the region’s pro-Russian proxy governor Vladimir Saldo told Crimean TV.

"Potemkin played a critical role in the annexation of Crimea from the Turks in 1783, and his memory is central to those within Russia intent on restoring the country’s former imperial reach. Putin largely leaned on his legacy for justifying the annexation of Crimea in 2014."

As goes Potemkin so goes the Crimea is the thought in Moscow? Vlad has gambled and now has seen the dice roll not in his favor? Potemkin as a symbolic figure even several centuries after his death possible defilement of his final resting place not permissible.


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