Saturday, October 8, 2022


This is coolbert:

Massive damage the Kerch Strait bridge. Critical infrastructure vital to the Russian war effort Ukraine. A truck bomb of large size damaging the roadway and railway portion of the bridge as well.

Abject humiliation the Russian? Once more the anger of Vlad will wax exceedingly hot.

"Massive blast cripples parts of Crimea-Russia bridge, in blow to Putin’s war effort"

Hannah Ritchie

From the article by Hannah Ritchie, Tim Lister and Josh Pennington October 8, 2022.

"In a major blow for Russian President Vladimir Putin, a huge explosion has severely damaged the only bridge connecting the annexed Crimean peninsula with the Russian mainland, paralyzing a key supply route for Moscow’s faltering war in Ukraine."

"The blast early Saturday caused parts of the Kerch Strait road and rail bridge – opened by Putin himself in 2018 – to collapse, images and video from the scene showed. At least three people were killed in the explosion, Russian officials said, citing preliminary information."

"The exact cause of the blast at Europe’s longest bridge is yet to be confirmed. Russian officials said a truck exploded, causing Crimea-bound sections of the road part of the bridge to collapse. A subsequent fire engulfed a train of fuel tanks on a separate, adjacent rail portion of the bridge."

Go see the embedded CNN video. Also see this video:

Putin when angered by this action his response will be less than rational? Expect an excessive reaction not conducive to calming nerves in a time of nuclear crisis. The Russian ego and pride has been sullied.


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