Saturday, October 8, 2022


This is coolbert:

"What makes the Black Sea unique is the high level of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the water, being the world's largest natural reservoir of the chemical compound."

"The gas - which smells like rotten eggs - is toxic to humans and animals when inhaled and in high doses can cause death."

Atomic detonation Russia the Black Sea? A show-of-force?

"A show of force is a military operation intended to warn (such as a warning shot) or to intimidate an opponent by showcasing a capability or will to act if one is provoked."

"GAS PANIC Putin blowing up nuke in Black Sea would release killer poisonous gas cloud & trigger tsunamis, warns top professor"

From the article by Henry Holloway Oct 7 2022.

"RUSSIA detonating a nuclear bomb in the Black Sea could trigger a killer toxic gas cloud and six and a half foot [slightly more than two meter] high tsunamis, it has been warned."

"Nato is watching closely as the world sits on the brink of a nuclear crisis - with US President Joe Biden comparing the situation to the heights of the Cold War."

"Professor Viorel Badescu, a physicist and engineer the University of Bucharest, penned a paper a number of years ago warning of impacts of a nuclear explosion in the Black Sea."

"And he spoke to The Sun Online as he laid out 'through the eyes of a scientist' the potentially horrifying consequences - including tsunamis and a cloud of toxic gas being released from the sea."

"Prof Badescu said he doesn't see the logic of Russia opting for the sea as a testing range - and was highly skeptical over whether Putin would use such a strategy for such a show of force."

An underwater detonation of a Russian nuclear munition the Black sea will 1. Create a spew of radioactive water WITH additionally 2. A lethal gas [HS2] injurious to all who breathe it.

See from the article all the very good and interesting graphics as well!


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