Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Replenish I.

This is coolbert:

With regard to the Soviet era tanks T-62 being removed from mothball storage, refurbished and upgraded, see this item from the wiki:

"Concerns of 3-man & 4-man maintenance" [T-62 a four man crew]

"While having smaller tank crews (three vs. the usual four) is advantageous since more tanks can theoretically be fielded using the same number of soldiers, there are also serious downsides. Tanks require frequent maintenance and refueling, and much of this is physically demanding work that several people must work together to accomplish. Most of the time, these duties are also performed at the end of a long day of operations, when everyone in the tank is exhausted. Having one less crewman for these tasks increases the strain on the remaining three men and increases the frequency of botched or skipped maintenance. This problem worsens if the tank's commander is also an officer who must often perform other duties such as higher-level meetings, leaving only two men to attend to the tank. All of this means that tanks with three-man crews are more likely to suffer from performance-degrading human exhaustion, and mechanical failures that take longer to fix and that keep the tank from reaching the battlefield. These problems are exacerbated during prolonged time periods of operations."

That fourth man [T-62] a loader. Soviet/Russian tanks subsequent to the T-62 having an autoloader and three man crew. That autoloader now seen as a serious battlefield danger for Russian tankers, massive internal detonation and damage occurring with total fatalities!

Measures as taken a little late now comrade!


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