Wednesday, October 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

Russian reservists the far north mobilized for war duty the Ukraine Conflict celebrate prior to their departure.

"With patriotic songs about holy Russia and glorious death for the motherland, reservists from northern Russia prepare for battle"

"The concert hall in Zapolyarny was packed with mobilized soldiers as the Northern Fleet and the local Youth Committee organized a farewell program."

From the story by Atle Staalesen October 19, 2022.

"At least 200 reservists were in the room when a local group staged a music show ahead of the men’s departure to Ukraine."

"On the stage were three singers accompanied by dancing soldiers in uniform, and on the concert repertoire was the song 'Donbas is with us.'”


“Again Russian power is in our hands,

Both life and death for the Motherland is beautiful.

Our unconquerable country

stands and holds the heavenly sky for centuries,” 


“Half the sky is in flame,

Half in smog,

Donbas is with us,

Russia is with us,

And with us God.”

Seems like a rather sullen and somber bunch of soldiers. Knowing full well what may be ahead for them nothing to trifle about. Enthusiasm rather lacking? Appeals to God a forced religiosity more than anything else?

To what extent the attitude of the mobilized soldiers in Zapolyarny a microcosm of all Russia I just cannot say.


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