Friday, October 21, 2022


This is coolbert:

What the Russian hates to have done to them they do unto others.

"Monument to Holodomor Victims of Stalin's Famine Removed by Russian occupiers in Mariupol {occupied Ukraine}"

From the Moscow times ^ | 21 October 2022.

"The Moscow-installed authorities of the port city of Mariupol, which fell to Russian forces after a devastating siege earlier in the year, took down a monument to Ukrainian victims of Stalin's famine on Wednesday. Kyiv has been calling the 1930s man-made hunger under Josef Stalin a 'genocide,' while Moscow has been downplaying it as an episode of famine all over the Soviet Union. The state-run RIA Novosti news agency published a video of a truck uprooting the monument in Mariupol."

Read of the Holodomor. Manufactured famine resulting in the deaths millions of Ukrainian during the rule of Joseph Stalin. 

Memorials to the Red Army all over eastern Europe targets for removal. Memorials to the Red Army troop also often defaced or vandalized. See previous applicable prior blog entries the topic:

The Russian in Mariupol attempting to obliterate all instances of a distinct Ukrainian nationality and ethnicity as separate from the Russian. See destruction of the library Mariupol. The burning of books as earliest expression of a distinguishable Ukrainian literary tradition as should be condemned by all  righteous thinking persons.


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