Thursday, September 15, 2022


This is coolbert:

The Russian suddenly having to rely on foreign imported weapon systems/munitions the Ukraine Conflict?

"Russia forced to import North Korean military kit, Ministry of Defense [British] says"

From UK News PA Media the story by David Hughes, PA Political Editor | September 14, 2022.

"Vladimir Putin’s forces are being forced to source equipment from North Korea and Iran as the impacts of sanctions and military losses in Ukraine bite, defense experts believe."

Click on image to see an enlarged view.


* "...Ukrainian officials reported that their forces had shot down a Shahed-136 UAV near Kupiansk, in the area of Ukraine's success ongoing offensive."

* "The Shahed-136 is a one-way attack UAV kamikaze drone with a claimed range of 2,500 kilometres [Fifteen-hundred miles]. Similar Iranian-manufactured systems have likely been used in attacks in the Middle East, including against the oil tanker MT MERCER STREET in July 2021."

* See from this Internet web site some specifications of the Shahed-136 drone.

* The Ukrainian already has captured a Shahed-136 that either crashed or was shot down. The UAV intact or mostly so? The intelligence services of a variety of nations are going to want to examine that drone and pronto.

* That range of the Shahed-136 exaggerated? Kamikaze drone well within range of Jerusalem from almost location in Iran or Yemen. Swarm attack from a multitude of drones incoming from all directions simultaneously overwhelming air defenses.


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