Wednesday, September 14, 2022

1 GTA.

This is coolbert:

Russian BEST tank division in the BEST Russian tank army. Gone!

If true, sounds like a real Russian disaster.

"A Hundred Wrecked Tanks In A Hundred Hours: Ukraine Guts Russia’s Best Tank Army"

From Forbes ^ | 13-SEP-2022 | David Axe tip from Freeper.

"The Ukrainian army’s counteroffensive around the city of Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine starting on Sept. 6 destroyed half of the best tank division in the best tank army in the Russian armed forces. A hundred wrecked or captured tanks in a hundred furious hours. That’s how much destruction the Ukrainians inflicted on the Russian 4th Guards Tank Division, part of the elite 1st Guards Tank Army, the Russian army’s best armor formation. Now the 1st GTA is retreating north in order to preserve what remains of its front-line divisions"

4th Guards tank division involved in the attempted 1991 Moscow coup.

Soviet and Russian military commander historically always able to accept a defeat with comparative calm. No matter what the losses in men and material resources at the disposal of the senior commanders great enough to make up for what is gone. I can suggest that such an attitude no longer suffices in the modern era. Equipment too expensive and hard to replace. You can fight a war with old "stuff" but results will be less than satisfactory.


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