Tuesday, August 16, 2022


This is coolbert:

Even as we speak this is occurring?

Crimea once more RED! An attack of stupendous proportions another Russian ammunition depot goes sky-high literally so.

More Russian humiliation and shame?

From https://english.nv.ua/ Ukrainian controlled [?] media and thanks to same.

"Russian military unit, ammo depot on fire after blasts in occupied Crimea"

16 August.

"A Russian military unit is on fire in the village of Azovske outside the town of Dzhankoy in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Refat Chubarov, said in a Facebook post on Aug. 16."

“It is reported from the temporarily occupied Crimea: accurate firepower (was directed) on the military unit of the orcs (Russians) in the village of Qalay (now Azovske) of the Dzhankoy district,” [Chubarov]

"Chubarov added that an ammunition depot had been hit, and 'the sounds of the explosions are spreading far across the steppe.'”

ORCS as how the Ukrainian refers to the Russian. Orc = a fictional humanoid monster like a goblin.

As with the recent attack on the Russian naval aviation airfield Crimea a lot of speculation is going to be made who/what/where/when/why/how this attack transpired and with what means.


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