Sunday, July 10, 2022


This is coolbert:

From and thanks to same. An update on that morbidly obese Russian general officer supposedly brought out of retirement with the mission to destroy the Ukrainian army. A brute of a man, literally and figuratively so as described. A beast to be feared!

* Rien Emmery.

Remember this "exclusive" story in the Daily Star about "general Pavel", who was supposedly "dragged out of retirement" by Putin and sent to Ukraine?

So yeah, turns out that's total bullshit.

@Lotte_Lambrecht and I found out who's _actually_ in this photo. Follow along!


Follow along at this URL the entire thread!

And finally we have from thread # 16 some answers:

Click on image to see an enlarged view. Not Pavel but Ivan. Consider most importantly all the threads to see how the OSINT process works. I am very impressed with the various OSINT techniques and practitioners of same. The truth is out there. You just got to a little searching and leg work even from a computer keyboard. Seek and ye shall find and all that! 

As before, I hesitate to show any images of Ivan. Too grotesque for my liking.


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