Thursday, July 28, 2022

Monument Kola.

This is coolbert:

“Today, it is our common obligation not to allow the reemergence of Nazism that has brought such suffering to the people of various countries. It is essential to preserve and convey to our descendants truth about the happenings of the war years, commons spiritual values and traditional brotherly friendship.” -Vlad Putin.

Even as the battle and conflict rages, already war memorials are being raised. Russia remembers.

"New Russian war monument near border to Norway praises battle and aggression in Ukraine"

"The flags of Moscow’s two puppet regions, the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics, waived in the air as locals from the Pechenga district this weekend gathered for the opening of a monument honoring war and bravery in Ukraine."

From the "Barents Observer" the story By Atle Staalesen July 26, 2022.

"The Kola Peninsula has hundreds of war memorials paying tribute to Soviet soldiers and victims of Nazi German aggression during the Second World War. Now, new monuments are popping up to the honor of Russian aggressors and war criminals fighting in Ukraine."


"However, unlike most of the Soviet WW2 memorials in the area, the new monument does not honor men fallen in battle, but rather the war and battle in itself."


"The monument has the shape of a small wall made by bricks and includes three plates with inscriptions. The top one explains that 'this memorial is erected to the honor of participants in the fight against Fascism, Nazism and terrorism.'”

NOT a traditional memorial in the Soviet grandiose style. Much less pretentious and conspicuous.

Obviously too the perspectives of the Russian and Norwegian the Ukraine Conflict radically different. Russians actions and the war itself unsparingly seen by the latter in a very negative light.


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