Thursday, July 28, 2022

Astrology II.

This is coolbert:

Further and concluding analysis and appraisal the Ukraine Conflict based on an astrological assessment.

By Johnnietwobrows the story as seen in the webzine of "Soldier of Fortune".

"What’s In the Stars for Volodymyr Zelenskyy? Soldier of Fortune Consults an Astrologer"

"The following analysis is based on Zelenskyy’s birth date of January 25, 1978, in Kryvyi Rih, a city in central Ukraine." 

In the nutshell key points and take-aways:

* "Over the course of the next six months, here’s how I [Johnnietwobrows] see this war progressing"

* "Zelenskyy will continue to hold the line as much as possible, changing tactics whenever necessary to keep the Russians off balance." 

* "Public opinion on the war in Ukraine may start to vary wildly and some may even start to advocate negotiating with Putin to end it, but I do not see Zelenskyy seriously considering ceding territory to Russia."

* "At the same time, ending it could be Zelenskyy’s best option [ceding territory] and may very well come into play toward August-September 2022."

Once more and in total agree with what I said previously: "I might well expect the appraisal of Johnnietwobrows based on his consultation of the stars to be NOT a whole lot less accurate than that of any American intelligence, CIA included."


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