Friday, June 24, 2022

Spor HVT.

This is coolbert:

Consider this Mr. Spor to be a very lucky man. Repatriated and without incident.

American high-value-target [HVT] the Ukraine extracted by American civilian group specializing in such rescue operations..

"A team from American nonprofit group Project Dynamo worked with local Ukrainian security to rescue nuclear scientist John Spor, who had been hiding right outside of Mariupol" Thanks additionally to #GMA #Ukraine # and You Tube.


* What was John Spor doing in Ukraine in the first place? A man with his background I would think the Ukraine would the last place he would want to be.

* Spor was a wanted and hunted man. The Russians apparently had Spor on a list of HVT. They knew of him and his various expertise vital to the development of advanced precision munitions. Spor if captured would have undoubtedly been whisked away and interrogated in a most vigorous and hostile manner by Russian authorities. Indeed, his fate might have been very grim. 

* This Dynamo group also taking great risk. If they had been unmasked I can well imagine their fate ultimately would be also very harsh and unremitting.



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