Friday, June 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

Assuredly so this aspect of the Ukraine Conflict to be talked about and debated for some time to come!

From | March 7, 2022 and thanks to same.

"Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February early morning, sending it air force, also known as VKS, to bomb Ukrainian cities and send troops to various Ukrainian cities via Donbass regions, Crimea, and Belarus."

"Ukraine's own  air force is still flying, which is vastly outmatched by Russia's military in terms of raw numbers and firepower. Its air defenses are still deemed viable - a fact that is baffling military experts."

"Accord to RUSI think tank Justin Bronk, The Russian Air force used limited aircraft and precision-guided munitions that visibly lacked coordination and started sporadic bombing in Ukraine."

Russian VKS deficient [surprisingly so?] with regard to:

* Inventory.
* Planning.
* Targeting pod.
* Precision-guided munition.
* Data link.
* Identification Friend or Foe (IFF).
* Airborne Surveillance and EW.
* Logistics.

Read the whole article for yourselves!


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