Tuesday, June 28, 2022

BG Tallman.

This is coolbert:

Within the context of the Ukraine Conflict and the loss of what purportedly the death in combat of at least a dozen Russian general officers, consider this American from the era of the Vietnam War. General Richard J. Tallman.

Tallman last American general officer killed in by enemy action the Second Indo-China War.

"Richard J. Tallman (March 28, 1925 – July 9, 1972) was a United States Army brigadier general who was killed by North Vietnamese artillery fire in 1972 during the Battle of An Lộc. He was the last U.S. Army general to die in the Vietnam War. He was on his third tour in South Vietnam."

Three tours in Vietnam. Additionally having seen combat in World War Two and Korea. A fighting soldier of high repute. 

Regarding the death of General Tallman:

"On 9 July 1972, Tallman and his aides had just landed at An Lộc to observe ARVN counter-offensive operations at the conclusion of the Battle of An Lộc when they were hit by North Vietnamese artillery fire, three of the group were killed instantly, while Tallman and two others were wounded. The wounded men were evacuated to the 3rd Field Hospital in Saigon where Tallman died of his wounds."

Thirteen American flag officers [general/admiral] killed during the Second Indo-China War. Five of those to include General Tallman perishing by enemy action. The remainder lost in fixed-wing or rotary-wing aviation accidents.

It can be said that during the Twentieth Century and now beyond the American professional military man has had a chance to practice his trade and craft as no other military man has been able since the time of the Roman Empire. As did General Tallman!


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