Tuesday, May 31, 2022


This is coolbert:

Case study? The Ukraine Conflict? The Battle for Kiev.

"The Untold Story of the Battle for Kyiv"

As seen at "Small Wars Journal" By Dan Rice, MBA, MS, MSeD 05/31/2022.

"The world expected the Russian Army to defeat the Ukrainian Army within days. Russian President Vladimir Putin, United States Senate expert testimony, and most of the west, all expected Kyiv to fall within a few days under the weight of the enormous and powerful Russian army. The Russians thought it was going to be quick, but the Russians forgot that the enemy has a vote." 

"Instead of collapsing in the face of a Russian invasion along multiple avenues of approach – the drive to Kyiv being a primary one – the Ukrainian Army traded space for time by fighting a withdrawing action against a far larger invading Russian army and fell all the way back to within the city limits of the national capital where it eventually repelled the Russian onslaught. Had Putin’s army taken Kyiv, President Zelensky’s government could have collapsed, and the Ukraine may have lost the war.  On the contrary, however, the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians successfully defended its capital in a battle that may likely be taught as a case study for military leaders for generations once it is fully understood."

Coup de main the Ukrainian capital did fail. The Ukrainian Army resisting the invader in a way that was anticipated.

My perspective is that Russian did intend to seize the capital city quick fashion and put the leaders of the central government to rout. A puppet of the Russians was to declare the new leadership was taking control and the Ukrainian military people should no longer resist the Russian invasion for their own good.

The whole operation was going to take two to three days at most. Sullen but complaint Ukrainians accepting their fate.

Devoted readers to the blog are strongly encouraged to read the entire article.

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men. Gang aft a-gley”. - Robert Burns. Go wrong indeed.


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