Tuesday, May 31, 2022


This is coolbert:

"We are not going to send to Ukraine rocket systems that can strike into Russia"

This is the correct decision. Without question.

From the controlled [?] Russian Internet media RT 30 May, 2022.

"US won't send Ukraine long-range rockets – Biden"

"Earlier reports had suggested Washington was likely to provide the equipment for Kiev’s fight against Russia"

"The US will not supply Ukraine with long-distance missile systems that are capable of striking deep into Russian territory, President Joe Biden explained on Monday. Asked by reporters about the prospect of such deliveries, Biden flatly rejected the possibility."

"Last week, multiple US media outlets reported that the White House was considering sending M270 MLRS and M142 HIMARS rocket systems to Ukraine, which can have a range of up to 500km [about three-hundred miles]. The M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) and the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) are two versions of US-made rocket artillery systems that can fire the same types of rockets. The advanced weaponry would have allowed the Ukrainian forces to strike deep into Russian territory and potentially target major cities"

HIMARS in particular with very long range and can be deadly accurate with GPS guidance. And YES no matter what agreement made with the Ukrainian regarding a transfer of such weapons from the USA you could never have 100 % confidence some sort of Ukrainian use in desperate circumstance to bombard Russian targets within the borders of Russian would NOT occur.

Again, YES, the right decision.


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