Saturday, May 28, 2022

Dice II.

This is coolbert:

Continuing and concluding the latest comments, Professor van Creveld the Ukraine Conflict.

"The Iron Dice Keep Rolling"


Extracted the key points and thanks once more to the Professor.

"What the Ukrainians have been doing right"

* "First, though both sides have relied on semi-regular militias (including, in the Russian case, mercenaries) to do part of their fighting, this form of military organization has played a greater part on the Ukrainian side than on the Russian one."

* "Second, whereas the invaders must generate their own intelligence, the Ukrainians can receive theirs from almost every man, woman and child in the country." 

* "Third, the Ukrainians have been making unexpectedly good use of modern weapons, especially the drones needed for in-depth reconnaissance behind the front."

* "Fourth, on the whole they have not tried to stop the Russians by waging large sale warfare, army against army, in the open."

* "Finally, while the destruction inflicted on many of Ukraine’s cities has been terrible, wherever possible the Ukrainian military did not fight to the last man and the last bullet."

As with regard to the final point, perhaps only with the exception of Mariupol, the Ukrainian has NOT fought urban combat in the classical and most brutal of  fashion, block to block, house to house, room to room, etc. Russian artillery-centric military force in contrast blasting their way through opposition, the paradigm the crossing of the Telltow Canal 1945 repeated over and over!


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