Monday, April 4, 2022


This is coolbert:

Extracts from the Internet web site of the Finnish blogger Corporal Frisk.

"A Ukrainian Triptych"


"As there’s quite a lot happening in Ukraine at the moment, several things of which deserve a bit deeper analysis than is fitting to a Twitter-thread, I decided to do a short (no, I’m not kidding anyone but myself) post on three topics from the past week: the helicopter strike on the Rosneft fuel depot in Belgorod, the ability of Russia to replace losses in equipment (in particular tanks), and the idea of shipping advanced Western systems to Ukraine (in particular fighters and air defence systems)."

triptych: noun - -  A work, such as an altarpiece, consisting of three painted or carved panels that are hinged together. A hinged writing tablet consisting of three leaves, used in ancient Rome. A picture, carving, or other representation in three compartments side by side"

Again, as extracted with special emphasis on the recent Ukrainian helicopter raid on the Russian oil depot.


"One of the more spectacular single events of the past week was without a doubt the dawn raid on the Rosneft fuel depot in Belgorod, a city sitting just opposite the Russian border from Kharkiv."


"While this isn’t the first strike on Russian territory during the war – we’ve seen e.g. the Millerovo air base having been struck by what presumably was a Tochka-U ballistic missile – this does seem to be the first air raid on Russian territory since the Korean War. It also seems to have been executed close to perfection, with a somewhat unconventional but extremely effective plattform being chosen to perform a surprise lightning raid against a target of real strategic value, without causing any serious collateral damage."

See also with regard to the Ukrainian helicopter raid my previous blog entry the comments of Mark Hertling his Twitter threat.

Read further the Corporal Frisk article with attention to: * COVERING THE LOSSES. * THE LONG GAME.

Thank you Corporal!


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