Sunday, April 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

Salvage the Moskva. Recover those items of great importance. And do it now! 

From the English tabloid "Daily Mail" the story By WILL STEWART and JACK WRIGHT 23 April 2022 |

"Putin races to salvage military secrets on board sunken Moskva: Russian president 'scrambles eight-ship flotilla to wreck of Black Sea Fleet flagship to secure coding devices and unexploded missiles' as dead crew families blast Kremlin 'lies' over sinking"

* "Putin 'has launched a major salvage operation to the wreck of the downed Black Sea Fleet flagship"' * "Naval experts say Russia is attempting to secure military secrets including coding devices and missiles" * "Among the salvage flotilla is Kommuna, the world's oldest active warship which served in both world wars" * "Families of Russian servicemen searching for sons on Moskva blasted Kremlin 'lies' and 'bullying'". 

"Putin has launched a major salvage operation to the wreck of the downed Black Sea Fleet flagship to secure military secrets including coding devices, unexploded missiles, and possibly even attempt to bring the bodies of dead sailors back home, naval experts have claimed."

Additionally concerning the salvage ship Kommuna:

"Kommuna is a submarine salvage ship in service with the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet. A double-hulled catamaran, she was laid down at the Putilov Factory (now the Kirov Factory) in St. Peterburg in November 1912 as the Volkhov, launched the following year, and commissioned on 14 June 1915. She was renamed the Kommuna on 31 December 1922. Having served in the Russian Imperial, Soviet, and Russian Federal navies through the Revolution and two world wars, she is the oldest ship still in service with any navy"

Moskva sank in one-hundred sixty [160 feet] of water.  About fifty meters. Is diver accessible. Bodies, documents, weapons can all be recovered. And also perhaps and only perhaps ATOMIC warheads on at least two of those missiles.


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