Sunday, April 24, 2022

49th CAA.

This is coolbert:

More senior Russian commanders "bite the dust" the Ukraine Conflict.

"bite the dust: Suffer defeat or death"

The story Forbes by David Axe.

"The Ukrainians Keep Blowing Up Russian Command Posts And Killing Generals"

"Eight years ago, a trio of Ukrainian army brigades fighting Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region made a fatal mistake. They idled their tanks and trucks around a static command post."

"Russian drones and eavesdroppers pinpointed the command post and blasted it with artillery."

"Today it’s the Russians who are making that same mistake—and the Ukrainians who are exploiting the error. In the two months since Russia widened its war on Ukraine, Kyiv’s forces have located and destroyed no fewer than thirty-one [31] Russian command and communications posts."


"The latest strike could be the most dramatic. Ukrainian forces on Friday reportedly destroyed the command post of the Russian 49th Combined Arms Army [49th CAA] near Russian-occupied Kherson in southern Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian intelligence service, the attack killed two Russian generals and wounded a third."

See all previous blog entries the deaths of  so many senior Russian military commanders the Ukraine Conflict:


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