Monday, April 25, 2022


This is coolbet:

Yet one more item of interest, the sunken Russian warship Moskva.

From International Busines Times and the story by Anshu Seth April 19, 2022.

"'True Cross' on Moskva? Russian Orthodox Church Confirms Sunken Russian Warship Had Relic From Christ's Cross"

A fragment of wood as taken from the cross [crux] that JESUS was crucified to!!

"Reports that sunken Russian warship Moskva was carrying the fragments of 'True Cross, a Christian relic, have created a furor on social media."

"The fact that these reports coincided with the Easter Sunday triggered heightened interest on social media, with users swarming platforms with comments stating that [the] Russians have gone too far using religion and history during this war."

Regarding the use of icons and relics in the Russian Orthodox Christian tradition:

"Eastern Orthodox Church icons are still a very important part of Orthodox Christian faith. They are truly sacred images, not for nothing called 'windows into heaven.'”

Don't ask me as to the authenticity of the relic. Just accept that it is BELIEVED to be so as described! A fragment of wood as taken from the True Cross.

And to all this Admiral Ushakov would say?


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