Friday, March 18, 2022


This is coolbert:

Yet one more bad sign? Big things happening Russia? 

Witch smellers on the prowl as we speak? Traitors and persons less than loyal without the proper enthusiasm for the cause beware. The Russian grand military offensive Ukraine stalled because of backstabbers and betrayers, persons of great wealth your attitude has been noticed.

Again report of SAM's flights [as I deem them] Russia. Special Air Missions.

"Private Jets Flee Russia for Dubai, Siberian Bunkers"

Tip from Freeper article additional thanks to Luca Cacciatore and (Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images) |   Thursday, 17 March 2022.

"Several private jets took off from Russia on Thursday after President Vladimir Putin slammed Western-friendly oligarchs that 'mentally exist'' elsewhere, Newsweek reported."

"Putin called for 'self-purification' of the nation from disloyal people in a televised address from the Kremlin."

Purges 1930's deja vu all over again? Report to the Kremlin for "consultations"?

See previous most recent blog entries as germane:


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