Wednesday, February 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

DPR and LPR under attack? Ukrainians on the offensive? Isn't it supposed to be the  other way around?

As reported by the Internet web site "South Front".

Gun battles and artillery fire the Line of Contact [LoC] which has been in a state of tenuous peace for seven years now. No longer so placid if indeed it ever was.

"War In Ukraine In Full Swing. Number Of Casualties Grows (Videos)"

"Following a short break in the shelling of the territories of the DPR [Donetsk People’s Republic] and the LPR  [Luhansk People’s Republic] after the recognition of the republics’ independence by Russia on February 21, the UAF [Ukrainian Armed Forces] resumed their attacks in full force on the afternoon of February 22."

"Shelling continues along the entire front line. Intense attacks targeted the cities of Lugansk and Gorlovka, as well as Donetsk suburbs. Dozens of civilian settlements have already been destroyed"

Attacks of a false flag nature by the various militia units in the area [friendly and unfriendly to the Russian both] cannot be ruled out? I might think the Ukrainian would be desperate to thwart any sort of independent action from THEIR side of the border that would provoke a Russia invasion.


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