Wednesday, January 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

Here with an appraisal of the Ukrainian Crisis courtesy the Russian Internet media outlet Pravda [Truth].

"World War Three: What Russia can do to bury Ukraine and herself"

"The situation around Ukraine has become very unhealthy recently. For some reason, Western policy-makers and mass media assume that Russia's imminent invasion of Ukraine is a fact. These days, we have witnessed a series of bizarre actions via the diplomatic line."

"At the same time, the scenario of a full-fledged military intervention also involves various options."

Courses of action [CoA] and options to include:

* "1. The Russian army will be limited only to the territory of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, including possibly the adjacent Kharkov region, where pro-Russian sentiments are also extremely strong."

* "2. The second scenario allows the accession of the entire Left-Bank Ukraine along the Dnieper River to Russia. This is an excellent natural water barrier for Ukraine's counterattacks. In this case, the blockade of Crimea, which the peninsula has been suffering from for years now, will be finally lifted completely."

* 3. "The most daring option is to stop at the borders of 1938. In this case, Ukraine will be left with its western regions only."

The Canadians list "five possible scenarios for action" one of which is merely a threatened invasion but no actual military action. Intimidation of the most coarse and obvious nature achieving goals without firing a shot!

Will it be?


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