Saturday, January 8, 2022


This is coolbert:

Once more I sail into troubled water. Normally hesitate to do so but here it is.

From G2mil and thanks to same:

"Are Motorcycles Deadlier than COVID?"

"I’ve [G2mil] blogged about this before but here is an update. Over the past year, COVID has killed 11 active duty sailors and one active duty US marine. Motorcycle accidents have killed 17 active duty sailors and 9 US marines. Yet servicemen are still allowed to ride motorcycles but all must have a vaccine to resist the danger of COVID. For readers who haven’t paid attention, the 'vaccines' do not prevent COVID or its spread, they just lessen symptoms for a few months."

G2mil correct. The Covid vaccine of whatever manufacture as touted not a vaccine as normally, generally and commonly understood. A prophylactic yes. A vaccine? Questionable.

Personally I was so elated to get my initial two shots and the booster. Far less so elated now.


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