Saturday, January 15, 2022

DACT 1944.

This is coolbert:

"American P-51 Mustang warplane the best fighter plane of the Second World War" - - Johannes Steinhoff.

Before there was Red Star and Top Gun there was Patuxent?

Not necessarily DACT but rather a "matchup" or comparison.

"matchupnoun - - The pairing of two people or things, as for athletic competition or for comparison."

Thanks to the "Military History NOW" Internet web site.

"Mustang [P-51] vs. Corsair [F4U] – Inside the U.S. Navy’s 1944 Match-Up Between the Two Fighters"

* "The P-51 Mustang and Vought F4U Corsair are often held up as two of the best fighters of the Second World War. In 1944, the U.S. Navy tested the two against each other."

* “In late January and early February 1944, the U.S. Navy conducted a comparison of both airplanes at the Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Maryland.”

It was concluded that, in general:

* "There is little to choose between the P-51B and F4U-1 airplane in speed between sea level and 25,000 feet [8,000 meters], and that above 25,000 feet, the P-51B is superior."

* "That the F4U-1 is everywhere considerably superior in climb, at any comparable loading and superior in all other performance elements except diving speed."

* "The F4U-1 is everywhere superior in maneuverability and response."

* "With equal endurance, the F4U carries about 86% more armament and that it is a better gun platform."

* "In summary, the F4U-1 airplane appears to be the superior fighter for Naval or Marine employment, either land for ship-based except in the case where substantially all the fighting occurs above 25,000 feet."

And with regard to the summary there's the rub? P-51 better for the mission of escorting long-range strategic bomber warplanes. As noted however by MHN dogfights of the escorting P-51 mostly occurring at an altitude lower than 25,000 feet. [about 7,600 meters]

"there's the rub: There is the biggest problem or difficulty (with the situation being discussed)"

Johannes Steinhoff did fly a captured P-51 during the war but would not have and never did encounter a F4U Corsair in the ETO!


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