Friday, January 14, 2022


This is coolbert:

More recruitment stuff U.S. Army. Difficulties abound it seems. Money the answer?

Thanks to Breitbart and the story by KRISTINA WONG courtesy the tip from Freeper.

"Report: Army Finding It Difficult to Recruit Soldiers, Hopes Bonuses Help"

"The U.S. Army is facing difficulties finding enough recruits and hopes increased bonuses will lure them. The Army for the first time is offering a maximum enlistment bonus of $50,000 to highly-skilled recruits who join for six years. Maj. Gen. Kevin Vereen, head of Army’s Recruiting Command, said difficulties stem from schools shuttering during the pandemic and a competitive job market"

The virus is to blame? Covid?

I might think too that the enticement of $50,000 not going to do the trick if you make the commitment for six years. Most young folks will find that period of time too hard to contemplate. Normal enlistment is three year still?


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