Monday, November 8, 2021


This is coolbert:

Once more from Reuters and thanks to same. The article by David Lague and Maryanne Murray.

I recommend highly without qualification or reservation. Devoted readers to the blog will find this to be a MUST!


Read in particular with special attention to the SIX possible to transpire, the crisis between China, Taiwan and other outside actors.

In conclusion as noted by the Reuters article:

"For the American alliance, a Chinese takeover of Taiwan would be a devastating blow. At a stroke, the United States would lose its status as the pre-eminent power in Asia, according to most U.S. and regional military experts. If America were unwilling or unable to defend Taiwan, its network of allies in the Asia-Pacific – including Tokyo, Seoul and Canberra – would overnight be far more vulnerable to military and economic coercion from China. Some might switch allegiance to Beijing, analysts say. Some might seek nuclear weapons to boost their own security."

"If America did opt to defend the island, though, there is no guarantee it would defeat an increasingly powerful PLA, according to current and former senior U.S. commanders. To counter China’s military rise, the United States is now rolling out new weapons and strategy in the Asia-Pacific."

Both the short and the long the USA will be perceived as not an able and willing partner for defense pacts, unwilling to maintain agreements. A declining world power not predominant. UNRELIABLE!

Thank you Reuters. Graphics and images again superb. You could not want better. Well done.


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