Monday, November 8, 2021

BVR Thai.

This is coolbert:

Swedish warplanes but NOT the Swedish air force!

DACT air combat war games. Chinese versus Thai air force. J-11 [Chinese] versus Gripen [Thai]. J-11 a Chinese knock-off of the Soviet/Russian Su-27. DACT = Dissimilar Aircraft Combat Training. BVR = Beyond Visual Range.

First from "The National Interest" and the article by David Axe.

1. "Swedish Jets Really Did Destroy the Chinese Air Force in an Exercise"

"The exercise was a wake-up call for China."

"Here's What You Need to Remember: On day three, the Thai pilots 'shot down' 19 J-11s for a loss of three Gripens. Over the final three days of the war game, the Thais killed 22 Chinese jets and lost three of their own."

Chinese J-11 superior and omnipotent at eye-ball to eye-ball range and combat. J-11 the far-better dogfighting aircraft in those circumstance.

See additionally from the Internet web site Alert 5:

2. "PLAAF J-11 beat RTAF Gripen 16-0 on first day of Falcon Strike 2015"

Exercise as is noted in 2015!

As per graphs and slides as seen at the Alert 5 webpage:

First two days of the exercise simulated aerial combat at close-range traditional fighter plane warfare the score for the two days combined Chinese with twenty-five victories, the Thai with just one.

The last four days of the exercise the tally at BVR distances nine victories for the J-11 and forty for the Gripen!

From a comment to the Alert 5 article:

"You are not supposed to engage in a dogfight with a JAS-39 Gripen, because the Swedish fighter is very small sized and can easily hide from visual and radar observation. It is supposed to surprise the invading enemy instead, being a defense fighter designed by a neutral country. If a Gripen pilot finds himself in a dogfight in a real war, he has done something very wrong tactically."

As in all forms of warfare, maximize your advantages, avoid your disadvantages!

Make the enemy fight on your terms! Do not fight on his terms!


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